Our History

How It All Began

PPC Logo

Fred Hartke enrolled in a photography class through the Plano Parks and Recreation Department (PARD) in the fall of 1983. Near the conclusion of the class he reached out to Sue Padden, the PARD activities director, about any organized activities that would further his knowledge and skills in the art.

PARD was sponsoring some clubs and in 1984 decided to organize one in Plano. Early that year they ran an advertisement in the Plano Star Courier for anyone interested in photography.

The kickoff meeting - attended by a small group - took place in Williams High School. The club was formed with Fred Hartke established as the organization's first President.

Contact was made with the Dallas Camera Club and they loaned the Plano club a small manual published by the Photographic Society of America.

Early on, the club decided to have monthly contests as a way of getting people to participate more actively. Additionally, they held the belief that hearing criticism would give feedback on ways to improve or at least to look at another point of view in the art.

Over the next several years, the club continued to grow. In August 1988, the PARD decided that it would no longer sponsor clubs.

The Plano Photography Club - which serves Plano, Dallas and the surrounding suburbs - was then launched on its own and in 1990 was incorporated in the state of Texas as a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) organization.

We are celebrating the club's 40th anniversary in 2024 with our story in a slideshow.

Early Club Milestones

First Club Meeting   January 1984
First Newsletter Published   March 1984
Club Joins Photographic Society of America (PSA)   April 1984
First Field Trip (Hour Photo)   April 1984
First Participation in Plano Round Up   April 1984
First Photo Contest   May 1984
First Club Meeting   January 1984
First Workshop (Print Mounting)   December 1984
First Club Dinner   June 1985
First Pot Luck Dinner   June 1987
First Scavenger Hunt   October 1987
First Christmas Party   December 1987
First Model Shoot   January 1988
First Overnight Trip (Fredericksburg)   April 1988
Club Joins Gulf States Camera Club Council (GSCCC)   August 1988
Plano PARD Discountinues Club Sponsorshop   August 1988
Club Incorporates   July 1990
First Wonder of Photography Show   July 1991

Club Presidents

1984 - 1985    Fred Hartke (Founder)
1985 - 1986    Weldon Fincher
1986 - 1987    Larry Stehno
1987 - 1988    Stewart Baker
1988 - 1989    Marilyn Smith
1989 - 1990    Carl Adkins
1990 - 1991    Weldon Fincher
1991 - 1992    Mike Childers
1992 - 1993    John Reed
1994 - 1995    Cathy Strong
1995 - 1996    Ken Guthrie
1996 - 1997    Bill Vansco
1997 - 1998    Ken Guthrie
1998 - 1999    Nathan White
1999 - 2000    Peg Syverson
2000 - 2001    John and Lois Lehman
2001 - 2002    Inge Johnsson and Russell McGuire
2002 - 2004    David Wille
2004 - 2005    James Stover
2005 - 2006    Ed Auger
2006 - 2007    Dawn Attenberry and Dan Leffel
2007 - 2008    Bernie Pysz and Bob Frank
2008 - 2010    James Stover
2010 - 2012    Dennis Fritsche
2012 - 2014    Carol Barlow
2014 - 2016    Sam Wilson
2016 - 2018    Richard Vestyck
2018 - 2020    Cliff McKenzie
2020 - 2022    Alan Daniel
2022 - 2024    David Swinney
2024 - present    Parvin Stiles

Photographer of the Year Winners

1986 - 1987    M. Dilks
1988 - 1989    Nellie Bretherick
1989 - 1990    Nellie Bretherick
1990 - 1991    Carl Adkins
1991 - 1992    Gary Ballard
1992 - 1993    Gary Ballard
1993 - 1994    Nellie Bretherick
1994 - 1995    Nellie Bretherick
1995 - 1996    Nellie Bretherick
1996 - 1997    Nellie Bretherick
1997 - 1998    Misuka Iwahiro
1998 - 1999    Inge Johnsson
1999 - 2000    Inge Johnsson
2000 - 2001    David Wille
2001 - 2002    Inge Johnsson
2002 - 2003    David Wille
2002 - 2003    David Wille
2003 - 2004    David Wille
2004 - 2005    David Wille
2005 - 2006    Dan Leffel
2006 - 2007    Dan Leffel
2007 - 2008    Dan Leffel
2008 - 2009    Elenore Avery
2009 - 2010    Elenore Avery
2010 - 2011    Jose Artiles
2011 - 2012    Dennis Fritsche
2012 - 2013    Marea Downey
2013 - 2014    Don Champlin
2014 - 2015    Don Champlin
2015 - 2016    Larry Petterborg
2016 - 2017    Wenchi Lee
2017 - 2018    Nock Wong
2018 - 2019    Alan Daniel & Sharlott Hasty
2019 - 2020    Nock Wong
2020 - 2021    Alan Daniel
2021 - 2022    Anita Oakley
2022 - 2023    Eddie Yu
2023 - 2024    Eddie Yu

GSCCC Contest Winners

NOTE: Those Plano Photography Club (PPC) members who also won as Dallas Camera Club (DCC) members are recognized below.

This section is a work in progress; additional entries will be added in the near future.

2016 - 2017   Year-End Winner(s)   Nature Projected Image   Inge Johnsson   2nd PL  -  PPC
2017 - 2018   May 2017   Monochrome Print   Larry Petterborg   2nd PL  -  DCC
    June 2017   Color Projected   James Walsh   3rd PL  -  PPC
            Marea Downey   2nd HM  -  PPC
    July 2017   Nature Projected   Marea Downey   3rd PL  -  PPC
            Dennis Fritsche   1st HM  -  DCC
    August 2017   Color Projected   James Stover   1st PL  -  PPC
    September 2017   Nature Projected   Dennis Fritsche   2nd HM  -  PPC
    October 2017   Photojournalism Prints   Larry Petterborg   1st HM  -  DCC
    November 2017       None          
    December 2017       No Contest          
    January 2018       None          
    February 2018   Nature Print   Dennis Fritsche   1st HM  -  DCC
    March 2018       None          
    April 2018       None          
    May 2018       None          
    Year-End Winner(s)   Monochrome Print   Larry Petterborg   2nd PL  -  DCC
2018 - 2019   May 2018       None         
    June 2018   Color Projected   Sharlott Hasty   2nd HM  -  PPC
    July 2018   Monochrome Prints   Dennis Fritsche   1st HM  -  DCC
    August 2018   Photojournalism Prints   Larry Petterborg   2nd HM  -  DCC
    September 2018   Nature Projected   Sharlott Hasty   1st PL  -  PPC
    October 2018   Monochrome Projected   Dennis Fritsche   2nd PL  -  DCC
    November 2018   Color Prints   Larry Petterborg   1st HM  -  DCC
        Nature Projected   Larry Petterborg   3rd PL  -  DCC
            Dennis Fritsche   1st HM  -  DCC
    December 2018       No Contest          
    January 2019   Color Projected   Danette Volkmer   1st HM  -  PPC
        Photojournalism Projected   Carol Barlow   1st PL  -  PPC
            Nock Wong   2nd HM  -  PPC
    February 2019       None          
    March 2019   Color Projected   Valerie Johnson   2nd PL  -  PPC
            Ron Lin   1st HM  -  PPC
        Monochrome Projected   John Lehman   1st HM  -  PPC
        Photojournalism Projected   Randy Ratzlaff   1st PL  -  PPC
            Ron Lin   2nd PL  -  PPC
            Don Champlin   2nd HM  -  PPC
    April 2019       None          
    May 2019       None          
    Year-End Winner(s)   Photojournalism Projected   Randy Ratzlaff   1st PL  -  PPC
            Ron Lin   2nd PL  -  PPC
            Dennis Fritsche   1st HM  -  PPC
2019 - 2020   Year-End Winner(s)   Color Projected Digital   Cathy Lin   1st HM     PPC
        Monochrome Projected   Richard Otto   2nd HM     PPC
2020 - 2021   July 2020       None          
    August 2020   Color Images   Ron Lin   1st PL  -  PPC
        Monochrome Images   Ron Lin   1st PL  -  PPC
            Lois Lehman   2nd HM  -  PPC
        Nature Projected   Nock Wong   2nd PL  -  PPC
    September 2020   Nature Images   Jan de Muelder   2nd PL  -  PPC
    October 2020   Color Images   Sanjay Kaul   1st PL  -  PPC
    November 2020   Color Images   Brian Clark   1st HM  -  PPC
    December 2020       No Contest          
    January 2021   Nature Images   Dennis Fritsche   1st PL  -  PPC
    February 2021   Color Projected   Nancy Mack   2nd PL  -  PPC
        Nature Projected   Martha Hedge   2nd HM  -  PPC
    March 2021   Nature Images   Ron Lin   2nd PL  -  PPC
    Year-End Winner(s)   Color Digital   Ron Lin   1st PL  -  PPC
        Nature Digital   Jan de Muelder   1st HM  -  PPC
2021 - 2022   May 2021       None          
    June 2021   Photojournalism   Fred Manchester   1st PL  -  PPC
        Monochrome Images   Robert Shafer   3rd PL  -  PPC
        Nature Images   Alan Daniel   1st HM  -  PPC
    July 2021   Photojournalism   Mary Ruehle   1st PL  -  PPC
            Janice Goetz   2nd PL  -  PPC
        Nature Images   Ron Hasty   1st PL  -  PPC
    August 2021   Monochrome Images   Anita Oakley   1st PL  -  PPC
        Nature Images   Clive Fernando   2nd HM  -  PPC
    September 2021       No Contest          
    October 2021   Color Projected   Nock Wong   3rd PL  -  PPC
        Monochrome Projected   Wen-Chi Lee   3rd PL  -  PPC
        Photojournalism Projected   Ron Hasty   1st PL  -  PPC
    November 2021   Color Projected   Janet Yiu   3rd PL  -  PPC
        Nature Projected   Sharlott Hasty   1st HM  -  PPC
    December 2021       No Contest          
    January 2022   Monochrome Projected   Jason Ware   2nd HM  -  PPC
    February 2022   Monochrome Projected   Fred Manchester
Jason Ware
  2nd PL
3rd PL
        Color Projected   Jodi Smith   1st HM  -  PPC
    March 2022   Nature Projected   WenChi Lee
Anita Oakley
2nd PL
1st HM
        Photojournalism   Russell McGuire   1st HM  -  PPC
    Year-End Winner(s)   Nature Digital   Ron Hasty   2nd PL  -  PPC

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