Club Competitions

Club Competitions | Competition Rules and Process | Competition Themes | Special Contests Rules | How To Enter a Competition


The purpose of the Plano Photography Club competitions is to

  • encourage members to practice their art through monthly contests,
  • provide educational opportunities for improvement, and
  • reward members' photographic achievements.

In addition, competitions provide an educational component. They are judged by independent judges who also provide a verbal critique of each image. The images and the critiques are then included in a slide show that is part of every monthly meeting.


Competition Year

Contests are conducted on a monthly basis beginning in May and continuing through the following March for a total of ten monthly competitions. There is no contest in December.

Half of the contests have specific themes; the rest are open. Two of the monthly contests are prints and the rest electronic.

There may also be year-long special interest contests. These may include Cell Phone, Portraits, Photojournalism, Nature or other topics.


Participation in Competitions

Participation in the monthly competitions is optional for club members.

But everyone - especially new members - is encouraged to take part in order to practice, improve, and reap the rewards. You will become a better photographer.


Competition Levels

Members participate in one of four competition levels.

New members may elect to participate in either the Entry level or the Intermediate level. Advancement to the other two levels (Advanced and Master) depends on how well one does the prior year.

If you are a new member and have not already chosen a competition level, please send an email to the Membership Chair via the appropriate link below.

Choose one of the following email options:

NOTE: If you have any problems with these links, simply send an email message to using your preferred email client explaining what you want to do.


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