Post-Processing Video Tips
Adobe Lightroom (in its myriad versions) has become the industry standard for image management and processing, and as the programs have grown and evolved over the years, Julieanne Kost has been there to make sense of it all.
As Adobe's Digitial Imaging Evangelist Director, she has a distinct knack for making the complex and often-confusing process of turning piles of pixels into works of art as easy as possible.
In this episode of the Photocombobublate podcast, hosts Jeff Carlson and Mason Marsh pepper Julieanne with their most pesky questions about Lightroom, and she blows their minds with insider tips, new approaches and fresh perspectives on software they thought they knew well.
Here are some of Julianne's recent instructional blog posts and YouTube videos:
Creating Compelling Composite Images in Photoshop
Using the Object Selection Tool to Quickly Edit Images in Photoshop
Discover How to Use the Clone, Heal, and Content Aware Remove Healing Modes in Lightroom Classic
Over 225 Shortcuts, Tips, and Tricks for Adobe Camera Raw!
Adobe Photoshop is focusing heavily on brand new artificial intelligence tools such as automatically selecting the subject, the sky, or the background. They are also adding artificial intelligence filters like the new Photo Restoration Filter and Colorize Filter.
To access the new artificial intelligence filters in Photoshop, first be sure to update to the latest version of Photoshop via Adobe Creative Cloud. Added in late 2022, these filters will automatically analyze the content of your image and look for imperfections such as wrinkles, dust, scratches, and discoloration and automatically remove those features.
When used in combination with the brand new artificial intelligence Colorize Filter you can bring a photo back to life and give it new found color and detail.
Additional resources on this topic:
Photo Restoration in Photoshop
NEW Photo Restoration Filter in Photoshop!
Old Photo Restore in Photoshop; How to Repair Old Photos
Photoshop's NEW AI Photo Restoration Filter is Insane!
Learning keyboard shortcuts in Lightroom doesn't have to be difficult. The easiest way to learn shortcuts is a few at a time.
In this video Mike Wardynski shares some of the easiest and most useful keyboard shortcuts that you can use to speed up your Lightroom Classic workflow.
Learning keyboard shortcuts can be intimidating but it doesn't have to be. He suggests watching this video and making notes of the keyboard shortcuts that you think will help you the most in your particular workflow. Keep that note next to your computer when using Lightroom and use it as a cheat sheet in case you get stuck.
Additional resources on this topic:
TOP 10 LIGHTROOM Shortcuts All GREAT Photographers Use!
Top 10 Absolutely Essential Lightroom Classic Shortcuts - Edit 2x Faster!
Lightroom Classic Function Keys
In this tutorial from Jesus Ramirez of the Photoshop Training Channel, you will learn 19 Photoshop keyboard shortcuts you probably don't know.
Additional resources on this topic:
Photography Keyboard Shortcuts | The Best Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts to Speed Up Your Workflow
Best Keyboard Shortcuts | Adobe Photoshop
Photoshop Keyboard Shortcuts You NEED to Know
10 Essential Keyboard Shortcuts You Must Learn in Photoshop!
The Calibration Panel in Lightroom Classic is located in the Develop module and is used to adjust the color balance and tone of a photo. It allows you to fine-tune the colors in a photo by adjusting the primary colors of red, green, and blue, as well as the overall tone of the photo by adjusting the brightness, contrast, and saturation.
In this tutorial from Pat Kay, you will learn how to use Lightroom's most powerful tool to help create a unique look for your pictures.
Additional resources on this topic:
Master Lightroom's MOST POWERFUL TOOL | Calibration
Unlock the Power of the Calibration Tab in Lightroom
5 Practical Uses For Color Calibration in Adobe Camera Raw and Lightroom
How To Use and Understand the Calibration Tool in Lightroom Classic
In this photography masterclass, Adobe's Terry White will show you how to clean up your mess and keep your ever-growing photo library better organized so that you can always find the photos you’re looking for.
Additional resources on this topic:
Streamlined Organization in Lightroom Classic with Tim Grey
The Easiest and Most Effective Way to Organize Your Lightroom Catalog
My NEW Adobe Lightroom workflow - FINALLY Understanding the Lightroom Library
How to QUICKLY Organize Your Lightroom Catalogs
Adobe Lightroom: Keeping Things Organized
In Lightroom Classic (and Adobe Camera Raw), Clarity, Texture, and Dehaze are contrast adjustments that selectively affect areas of your photo. Clarity affects midtones, Texture affects only the details, and Dehaze targets low-contrast areas.
In this instructional video, Matt Granger will illustrate how each of these sliders impacts an edited image to help you see when is the best time to use each one of them your own editing sessions.
Additional resources on this topic:
I Used To Hate This Amazing Lightroom Tool
Clarity VS Texture VS De-Haze, Detail Magic
Lightroom Texture, Clarity and Dehaze: What's the Difference?
How And When To Use The Texture, Clarity, And Dehaze Sliders In Lightroom Classic
STOP USING Contrast, use THIS TOOL instead (Lightroom Texture vs Clarity)
A Lightroom Classic (or Lightroom) Snapshot captures all the work you have done on a photo at a particular point in time.
Keeping a record in Snapshot form means you don’t have to use the History panel if you want to revert back to an earlier version of your photo.
Snapshots also help you remember completely different versions of the same photo (e.g. one color, one black and white).
They are a great way to learn how to improve your editing in Lightroom Classic.
In this video Trent Bates of The Visual Center YouTube channel demonstrates how to create and manage Snapshots in Lightroom.
Additional resources on this topic:
Working with Snapshots in Lightroom Classic
Using Snapshots in Lightroom Classic
Four Ways to Use Snapshots in Lightroom
Virtual Copies and Snapshots and History, Oh My!
Use Lightroom Snapshots and History to do Before and After Comparisons
New Lightroom Features in the October 2022 Update
As part of the recent Adobe MAX 2022 conference, Adobe announced updates to a variety of products, including the Lightroom ecosystem.
Lightroom, Lightroom Classic, and Adobe Camera Raw all now have more AI-powered masking options — including a Select Object tool — as well as Content-Aware Remove, interface tweaks, and more.
In this video, Forest Chaput de Saintonge of The Rocky Mountain School of Photography YouTube channel takes a look at the all of the new features and how to use them.
Additional resources on this topic:
Photography at Adobe MAX 2022: New features for Adobe Lightroom and more
Feature Summary | Lightroom Classic (October 2022 release)
October 2022 Release for Lightroom Classic, Lightroom, and Camera Raw (LightroomKillerTips)
Adobe adds AI masking and content-aware healing to Lightroom 2022 (Engadget)
Adobe Lightroom Update Enhances AI Masks and Adaptive Presets (PetaPixel)
Lightroom, Lightroom Classic get more AI masking, Content-Aware Remove (Photofocus)
Photoshop 2023 New Features and Updates Explained
As part of the Adobe MAX 2022 conference in October, Adobe announced updates to a variety of products, including Photoshop.
Learn what's new in that tool with this no-fluff tutorial from Jesus Ramirez of the Photoshop Training Channel.
The video looks at the most significant updates, like the Backdrop Generator, Substance Materials, Delete and Fill, Photo Restoration Filter, Live Gradients, and more!
Additional resources on this topic:
Adobe Photoshop update adds refined selections and AI photo restoration (Yahoo!)
Photoshop is making it easier to quickly edit and collaborate on projects (The Verge)
Adobe Photoshop Update Improves Selections, Sharing, ACR, and More (PetaPixel)
What's New in Photoshop 2023 (Oct 2022 Update) (Matt Kloskowski)
What's new in Photoshop 2023 + Adobe Camera Raw 2023 (photoshopCAFE)
Color Grade in Lightroom Classic Like a Pro
In this video, photographer Anthony Gugliotta tells you everything (well, maybe not EVERYTHING, but certainly a lot) you need to know to color grade your photos in Lightroom Classic like a professional.
He will show you how the Color Grading Panel works and provide three methods for using it to edit your photos.
Additional resources on this topic:
A Complete Guide to Color Grading (in Lightroom and Photoshop) (Adorama)
How to Use the Color Grading Tool in Lightroom (CaptureLandscapes)
The 4 Key Techniques for Colour Grading in Lightroom (People of the Planet)
Lightroom Color Grading Process for Warm and Vibrant Landscape Photos (PetaPixel)
Lightroom Color Grading: An Easy Way to Supercharge Your Photos (Digital Photography School)
Portrait Masking in Lightroom Classic
The October 2022 update to Lightroom Classic added the most powerful portrait editing and masking features ever available to the tool.
In this video, Matt Kloskowski demonstrates how to make the best use of these exciting new capabilities.
NOTE: These masking enhancements are also available in the latest versions of Lightroom and Adobe Camera Raw.
Additional resources on this topic:
Deep Dive Into the New Masking in Lightroom (Anthony Morganti)
Masking in Lightroom Classic (Julianne Kost)
How To Use Lightroom Classic - Automatic Face and People Selections For Portrait Editing (Michael Sladek)
NEW Lightroom Masking VS Photoshop - Which is Better For Photo Editing (David Johnston)
Lightroom Color Grading Process for Warm and Vibrant Landscape Photos (PetaPixel)
Masking in Lightroom (Nicole S. Young)
Photoshop Blending Modes - An 8-Minute Crash Course
This Photoshop tutorial is a concise explanation of blending modes and how they work.
Jesus Ramirez of the Photoshop Training Channel will also teach you how you can quickly narrow down your search and find the right blending mode for the result that you want to achieve.
Additional resources on this topic:
Blending Modes Explained - Complete Guide to Photoshop Blend Modes (Photoshop Training Channel)
The Science of All 27 Blend Modes in Photoshop (PIXImperfect)
The Five Most Useful Layer Blending Modes in Photoshop photoshopCAFE)
How to Use Blending Modes in Photoshop (PHLEARN)
Blending Modes in Photoshop Explained (Nemanja Sekulic)
How To Properly Use Lightroom Profiles
In this tutorial, Anthony Morganti demonstrates how to properly use Lightroom Profiles.
He also explains how they're different from Lightroom Presets and how to install 3rd party profiles into Lightroom.
Additional resources on this topic:
The Power of Profiles in Lightroom Classic (Julianne Kost)
Lightroom Presets and Profiles: What Is The Difference? (Glyn Dewis)
How To Apply Preset and Profiles To Your Photos in Adobe Lightroom (Picfair)
Presets vs. Profiles (Which One Should You Use?) (Matt Kloskowski)
Lightroom Color Profiles | How To Make Your Photos Look Better (Ryan Troy)
Opacity vs. Fill in Photoshop
A common question when using layers is what is the difference between opacity and fill in Photoshop?
In this tutorial, Marc Newton of The School of Photography compares using opacity vs. fill in text layers and in photography. Using opacity and fill in Photoshop will dramatically improve your photography and here he shows you how.
Additional resources on this topic:
Opacity vs. Flow vs. Fill in Photoshop: Explained (PIXImperfect)
What Is The Difference Between Opacity Vs. Fill in Photoshop? (Photo Feaver)
Opacity vs. Fill in Photoshop—Demystified! (Nucly)
Layer Opacity vs. Fill in Photoshop (What's the Difference?) (Michael Bullo)
Photoshop Luminosity Masking 101
An uncommon Photoshop term with a simple definition, Luminosity Masks are tools that you can use in Photoshop to show or hide areas of an image based on the brightness of that area.
Have an area that’s too bright? You can make a selection of only the highlights and then use a mask to hide and replace those areas with a better exposure.
In this quick tutorial, Anthony Morganti demonstrates how to use luminosity masks in Photoshop.
The additional resources below add depth and detail to this basic overview:
Luminosity Masking in Photoshop (Digital Art Drew)
Insane Control With Luminosity Masks in Photoshop (photoshopCAFE)
Luminosity Masking in Photoshop (Nicole S. Young)