Total Solar Eclipse Information Page (April 2024)
Overview | Eclipse Vocabulary | Total Solar Eclipse in Texas | Weather Information | North Texas Eclipse Phases | Eclipse Simulators | Eye Safety | Solar Filters for Optics |
Websites | Get Ready for Totality 2024 (Jason Ware) | Total Eclipse 2024 - A Once in a Lifetime Event (Cliff McKenzie) | Photographing the Eclipse | Editing Your Eclipse Photos
On April 8, 2024, a total solar eclipse, known as "The Great North American Eclipse," will carve a narrow path of totality from southwest to northeast across 13 U.S. states. The duration of totality will be up to 4 minutes and 27 seconds, almost double that of The Great American Eclipse of August 21, 2017.
The centerline of the eclipse enters Texas, and the United States, as it crosses the Rio Grande River at the Mexico-U.S. border at approximately 12:10PM CDT, with totality beginning in that location at about 1:27PM CDT.
Remember that you must use special eclipse safety glasses or viewers at all times during the partial phases of a total solar eclipse.
To determine the precise start time, end time, and duration of totality for your exact location on eclipse day, use the interactive Google eclipse maps developed by Xavier Jubier.
Eclipse Vocabulary
Sources: The Planetary Society, NASA
Basic Eclipse Terms
- Umbra: The central, darkest part of the Moon or Earth’s shadow.
- Penumbra: The outer, lighter part of the Moon or Earth’s shadow where there is still partial illumination.
- Occultation/Obscuration: The state of being hidden from view, like when the Sun is obscured or occulted by the Moon.
Solar Eclipse Terms
- Solar eclipse: When the Moon passes between the Sun and Earth, partially or completely blocking the Sun's light.
- Total solar eclipse: When the Moon completely covers the Sun from the perspective of a location on Earth, creating a brief period of darkness.
- Totality: The period when the Sun is completely obscured by the Moon.
- Partial solar eclipse: When only a portion of the Sun is obscured by the Moon, creating a crescent-shaped Sun.
Solar Eclipse Phenomena
- Diamond ring: A phenomenon during a total solar eclipse when a bright spot of sunlight appears just before or after totality, resembling a diamond on a ring.
- Baily's beads: A series of bright spots and points of light that appear around the Moon's edge just before or after totality during a total solar eclipse.
- Solar corona: The outermost layer of the Sun's atmosphere, which is visible during a total solar eclipse as a halo of faint light.
- Solar prominence: Gaseous eruptions or loops of plasma that can be seen along the edges of the Sun during a total solar eclipse.
Solar Eclipse Viewing
- Eclipse path: The specific geographic region on Earth where a particular eclipse is visible, including the path of totality.
- Path of totality: The narrow central portion of an eclipse path where a total solar eclipse is visible.
- Eclipse magnitude: The fraction of the Sun's diameter covered by the Moon during an eclipse, which varies depending on the observer's location.
- First Contact (C1): The instant when the partial phase of an eclipse begins.
- Second Contact (C2): The instant when the total or annular phase of an eclipse begins.
- Third Contact (C3): The instant when the total or annular phase of an eclipse ends.
- Fourth Contact (C4): The instant when the partial phase of an eclipse ends.
- Solar eclipse glasses: Specialized, protective eyewear that allows safe viewing of a solar eclipse by filtering out harmful solar radiation.
- Solar filter: A specialized filter or lens attachment used to safely observe the Sun during an eclipse without damaging your eyes or equipment.
- Pinhole projector: A safe way of viewing the effect of a solar eclipse indirectly by poking a small hole in a piece of cardboard and looking at how the Sun’s shadow is cast on the ground through that hole.
- Eclipse chasers: Enthusiasts who travel around the world to witness and experience total solar eclipses.
Total Solar Eclipse in Texas
As it exits Mexico and enters the U.S., traveling through the Texas Hill Country, the eclipse will have already reached its "point of greatest duration," that singular spot along every total solar eclipse centerline where the duration of totality is longer than anywhere else. That point is also the duration of totality "tipping point," meaning that the duration gradually increases along the centerline up until that point and then starts to decrease on the other side. In other words, for the 2024 eclipse, the duration of totality is all downhill in the U.S., with the longest durations in Texas and the shortest in Maine. Therefore, the path of totality in Texas will be considered a prime viewing destination on April 8. And since the point of greatest duration in Mexico is only a little more than 300 miles to the south of where the path of totality enters the U.S., the duration of totality on the centerline will only be a few seconds short of the eclipse maximum of 4 minutes and 28 seconds even a couple of hundred miles north of the border.
If the longest durations of totality in the U.S. wasn't enough, Texas is also widely considered to have the best eclipse-day weather prospects in the country. More specifically, eclipse weather forecasting site points out that, in Texas, "the north [or west] side of the track has a notably sunnier April climate than the south [or east]." In general, the farther south you are for this eclipse, the better your weather odds. And you can't get any farther south along the path of totality in the U.S. than Texas.
Texas will also be the place where perhaps more people will witness totality than anywhere else in the U.S., not only because Texas is such a large state and the path of totality covers so much ground here, but also because Texas is where the path happens to cross the three largest cities—San Antonio, Dallas, and Austin—it will encounter during its journey across the country. In fact, not long after the eclipse enters the U.S., the 120-mile-wide path of totality crosses over the most populous city along its path in the U.S. Unfortunately, though, San Antonio sits right on the eastern edge of the path of totality with about half of the city inside the path and half outside. Downtown attractions like the River Walk and the Alamo are outside the path of totality and you'll need to be in the northwestern part of the city to see a total eclipse—although totality durations will be relatively short here along the edge of the path. If you're at SeaWorld San Antonio, for example, you'll witness totality for about 2 minutes and 3 seconds, with the duration steadily decreasing to the south and east. If you're in the San Antonio area and want to more than double your totality viewing time, drive west on Interstate 10 to reach the eclipse centerline about 60 miles away.
Just a bit farther north, the eclipse crosses over the Texas state capital, Austin. As with San Antonio, Austin lies along the eastern edge of the eclipse path where durations of totality will be relatively short. Luckily, though, totality will be seen within most of Austin's city limits, with just a few areas in the southeastern part of the city outside the path. Downtown Austin will get about 1 minute and 44 seconds of totality, with durations dropping off as you go south and east. By early April, Austin's famous Congress Avenue Bridge bats should have arrived from their winter grounds in Mexico. It will be an interesting experiment in animal behavior to see if the bats emerge from under the bridge during the eclipse.
The sprawling Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex area spreads out from the western limit of the eclipse path all the way to the centerline, offering residents and visitors plenty of places to view totality. For the cities themselves, Dallas is centered about halfway between the centerline and the western limit of the eclipse path while Fort Worth is closer to the western edge. In downtown Dallas, you'll enjoy about 3 minutes and 51 seconds of totality. Fort Worth will get about 2 minutes and 33 seconds of totality downtown, with durations decreasing as you go north and west and with a few areas outside the path of totality in the far northwestern part of the city. On the other, less heavily populated, side of the centerline from the Dallas-Fort Worth area, interstates 45, 20, and 30 can be used to reach the maximum durations found near the centerline. Houston is relatively close on the eastern side of the eclipse path. Drive west on I-10 to reach the path in under three hours or north on I-45 to reach totality in under two. Shreveport, Louisiana, is within easy striking distance via Interstate 49 or I-20 and can make a good basecamp for eclipse expeditions.
The centerline of the eclipse exits the state as it crosses the Red River at approximately 3:06pm CDT, with totality coming to an end in that location at about 1:49pm CDT. From the Mexico-Texas border to the Texas-Oklahoma border, the Moon's shadow travels approximately 478 miles along the centerline in 17 minutes and 29 seconds at an average speed of 1,641 miles per hour.
Eclipse Weather Information
April Weather in Texas
When the Moon’s shadow crosses the Rio Grande and moves into the United States, it traverses the floodplain of the Rio Grande River where elevations are between 200 and 300 m above sea level (please see the topographical map at right). Immediately afterward, the shadow meets the Balcones Escarpment and rises up onto the Edwards Plateau, an increase of about 400 m in elevation. After passing San Antonio and Austin, the track descends onto the Gulf Coastal Plain and later, the Mississippi floodplain, passing Dallas and Fort Worth on its way to the Oklahoma and Arkansas borders.
One of the surprises of the graph of centerline cloud cover in is the seeming lack of strong responses to the topography beneath the shadow track, even though there are some significant mountain heights to cross in Arkansas and Missouri. Usually, we expect to see an increase in gloomy weather when the terrain rises and a lower amount of cloud where the terrain descends, but in Texas, where the high plains derive part of their climatology from the Southwestern Deserts, this relationship does not hold. For this part of the eclipse, the centerline cloudiness responds only weakly to the underlying along-track topology.
However, when we look at the map of cloud cover (please see the April Media Cloud Amount graphic at left), we see that there are significant terrain-induced modifications to the cloud cover, but they are off to the north or south side of the central line.
Across Texas, the north side of the track has a notably sunnier April climate than the south. The best of Texas weather prospects—in fact, the best prospects in the United States and Canada—lies on the Edwards Plateau, where median cloud amounts are as much as 15 percent lower than those south of the centre line on the Coastal Plain. We can be even more specific: according to the satellite data, the best climatological prospects lie between Junction and Brady, both in Texas. Brady is perilously close to the north limit but Junction, 28 km inside the track, has an eclipse duration of 3m 7s, generous, but significantly shorter than the 4m 26s at the centerline near Kerrville. Satellite measurements show an median April cloud fraction of 39 percent (0.39 on the map) in the area. Junction is connected with Kerrville and San Antonio by Interstate 10, which provides a convenient cross-track route to better weather from those locations if movement is necessary on eclipse day. Don’t leave it to the last minute—the 2017 eclipse taught us that even Interstates will come to a halt when the eclipse is imminent!
Eclipse Day Planning
- College of DuPage - A site used by storm chasers and one of the quickest to update with new images at 5-minute intervals . No mouse-wheel zoom, but can select from many high-resolution sectors. All wavelengths including color composites. Can overlay radar, highways, and station weather reports, making this site the most useful for quick relocation to a more favorable spot. Auto-refresh.
- Windy - A commercial site popular with eclipse chasers in 2023. Zoom with mouse wheel. Auto-refresh.
- US National Weather Service GOES Image Viewer - A comprehensive site for the United States and nearby Canada and Mexico. All wavelengths available. No zoom, but continent is divided into high-resolution sectors. Can be set to auto-refresh.
Numerical Models
- College of DuPage - A favorite storm-chaser’s site with a limited number of models available, mostly from Canada and the U.S. Not all models show cloud cover. The NAMNST model has a simulated satellite image of future cloud, out to 60 hours. Very limited ECMWF data.
- Meteologix - A large site with many models (31!), but difficult to navigate and not something you’d want to do without having practiced first. Use of more than 2 or 3 models will bring confusion rather than conclusion. Cloud depiction is rather garish until you’ve zoomed in on your area of interest.
- Spot Weather - Spotwx provides you with graphical displays of weather parameters at a single location (which can be anywhere on the globe). Very easy to use and several models are available for North America. You’ll have to go to the other sites above to look around for better weather, but if you are not trying to move, it will help you monitor what the numerical world thinks is coming to you at your site.
- Windy - Windy free version opens in global ECMWF model, generally regarded as the best of the long-range predictions. Five other models available for quick comparison. Many parameters available but cloud is likely the most critical. NAM and HRRR models don’t go much beyond the US borders but ICON and GFS are global.
Other Resources
Eclipse Phases For Select Cities in North Texas
For eclipse phase information regarding cities and towns not listed here, please visit Xavier Jubier's Interactive Eclipse Map or The Eclipse Company Eclipse Map.
Location/Length of Totality |
Event |
Time |
Altitude |
Azimuth |
Plano (Haggard Park)
3m 28.1s |
Start of partial eclipse (C1): |
12:23:54 PM |
+60.5° |
146.0° |
Start of total eclipse (C2): |
1:41:26 PM |
+64.4° |
187.5° |
Maximum eclipse (MAX): |
1:43:11 PM |
+64.3° |
188.5° |
End of total eclipse (C3): |
1:44:55 PM |
+64.3° |
189.5° |
End of partial eclipse (C4): |
3:03:06 PM |
+56.4° |
226.1° |
Plano (West Plano Presbyterian Church)
3m 21.1s |
Start of partial eclipse (C1): |
12:23:53 PM |
+60.5° |
146.0° |
Start of total eclipse (C2): |
1:41:28 PM |
+64.4° |
187.5° |
Maximum eclipse (MAX): |
1:43:09 PM |
+64.3° |
188.5° |
End of total eclipse (C3): |
1:44:49 PM |
+64.3° |
189.5° |
End of partial eclipse (C4): |
3:03:04 PM |
+56.4° |
226.1° |
Plano (Shops of Willow Bend)
3m 06.6s |
Start of partial eclipse (C1): |
12:23:44 PM |
+60.4° |
145.7° |
Start of total eclipse (C2): |
1:41:25 PM |
+64.4° |
187.2° |
Maximum eclipse (MAX): |
1:42:59 PM |
+64.4° |
188.1° |
End of total eclipse (C3): |
1:44:32 PM |
+64.3° |
188.9° |
End of partial eclipse (C4): |
3:02:54 PM |
+56.5° |
225.8° |
Downtown Dallas (Reunion Tower)
3m 50.5s |
Start of partial eclipse (C1): |
12:23:17 PM |
+60.6° |
145.3° |
Start of total eclipse (C2): |
1:40:42 PM |
+64.7° |
186.9° |
Maximum eclipse (MAX): |
1:42:37 PM |
+64.6° |
188.0° |
End of total eclipse (C3): |
1:44:33 PM |
+64.6° |
189.1° |
End of partial eclipse (C4): |
3:02:40 PM |
+56.7° |
226.0° |
Downtown Fort Worth (Water Gardens)
2m 34.7s |
Start of partial eclipse (C1): |
12:22:30 PM |
+60.2° |
144.0° |
Start of total eclipse (C2): |
1:40:27 PM |
+64.8° |
185.5° |
Maximum eclipse (MAX): |
1:41:44 PM |
+64.7° |
186.3° |
End of total eclipse (C3): |
1:43:01 PM |
+64.7° |
187.0° |
End of partial eclipse (C4): |
3:01:48 PM |
+56.7° |
225.0° |
4m 22.5s |
Start of partial eclipse (C1): |
12:22:43 PM |
+61.0° |
144.9° |
Start of total eclipse (C2): |
1:40:03 PM |
+65.1° |
187.0° |
Maximum eclipse (MAX): |
1:42:14 PM |
+65.1° |
188.3° |
End of total eclipse (C3): |
1:44:25 PM |
+65.0° |
187.0° |
End of partial eclipse (C4): |
3:02:27 PM |
+57.0° |
225.0° |
Frisco (Toyota Stadium)
2m 34.7s |
Start of partial eclipse (C1): |
12:23:57 PM |
+60.3° |
145.9° |
Start of total eclipse (C2): |
1:41:52 PM |
+64.3° |
187.4° |
Maximum eclipse (MAX): |
1:43:10 PM |
+64.2° |
188.1° |
End of total eclipse (C3): |
1:44:27 PM |
+64.2° |
188.8° |
End of partial eclipse (C4): |
3:03:02 PM |
+56.4° |
225.7° |
4m 22.6s |
Start of partial eclipse (C1): |
12:21:23PM |
+60.8° |
143.1° |
Start of total eclipse (C2): |
1:38.42 PM |
+65.5° |
185.1° |
Maximum eclipse (MAX): |
1:40:54 PM |
+65.5° |
186.4° |
End of total eclipse (C3): |
1:43:05 PM |
+65.4° |
187.7° |
End of partial eclipse (C4): |
3:01:17 PM |
+57.7° |
225.9° |
4m 00.6s |
Start of partial eclipse (C1): |
12:26:43PM |
+60.8° |
149.9° |
Start of total eclipse (C2): |
1:43:59 PM |
+63.5° |
191.2° |
Maximum eclipse (MAX): |
1:45:59 PM |
+63.4° |
192.3° |
End of total eclipse (C3): |
1:47:59 PM |
+63.3° |
193.4° |
End of partial eclipse (C4): |
3:05:34 PM |
+54.9° |
227.8° |
Rockwall (Harry Myers Park)
4m 04.5s |
Start of partial eclipse (C1): |
12:24:06 PM |
+60.7° |
146.4° |
Start of total eclipse (C2): |
1:41.25 PM |
+64.5° |
188.1° |
Maximum eclipse (MAX): |
1:43:27 PM |
+64.4° |
189.2° |
End of total eclipse (C3): |
1:45:29 PM |
+64.3° |
190.4° |
End of partial eclipse (C4): |
3:03:25 PM |
+56.3° |
226.6° |
Sulphur Springs
4m 20.8s |
Start of partial eclipse (C1): |
12:25:43 PM |
+61.1° |
148.9° |
Start of total eclipse (C2): |
1:42:59 PM |
+64.1° |
190.8° |
Maximum eclipse (MAX): |
1:45:09 PM |
+64.0° |
192.0° |
End of total eclipse (C3): |
1:47:20 PM |
+63.9° |
193.2° |
End of partial eclipse (C4): |
3:04:58 PM |
+55.4° |
228.1° |
2m 36.1s |
Start of partial eclipse (C1): |
12:28:32PM |
+61.7° |
153.4° |
Start of total eclipse (C2): |
1:46:47 PM |
+63.3° |
196.1° |
Maximum eclipse (MAX): |
1:48:05 PM |
+63.2° |
196.8° |
End of total eclipse (C3): |
1:49:23 PM |
+63.2° |
197.5° |
End of partial eclipse (C4): |
3:07:36 PM |
+53.8° |
230.7° |
Eclipse Simulators for Texas Cities and Towns
Eye Safety During A Total Solar Eclipse
Source: NASA
Except during the brief total phase of a total solar eclipse, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun’s bright face, it is not safe to look directly at the Sun without specialized eye protection for solar viewing.
Viewing any part of the bright Sun through a camera lens, binoculars, or a telescope without a special-purpose solar filter secured over the front of the optics will instantly cause severe eye injury.
When watching the partial phases of the solar eclipse directly with your eyes, which happens before and after totality, you must look through safe solar viewing glasses (“eclipse glasses”) or a safe handheld solar viewer at all times. Eclipse glasses are NOT regular sunglasses; regular sunglasses, no matter how dark, are not safe for viewing the Sun. Safe solar viewers are thousands of times darker and must comply with the ISO 12312-2 international standard.
Always inspect your eclipse glasses or handheld viewer before use; if torn, scratched, or otherwise damaged, discard the device. Always supervise children using solar viewers.
Do NOT look at the Sun through a camera lens, telescope, binoculars, or any other optical device while wearing eclipse glasses or using a handheld solar viewer — the concentrated solar rays will burn through the filter and cause serious eye injury.
Do NOT use eclipse glasses or handheld viewers with cameras, binoculars, or telescopes. Those require different types of solar filters. When viewing a partial or annular eclipse through cameras, binoculars, or telescopes equipped with proper solar filters, you do not need to wear eclipse glasses. (The solar filters do the same job as the eclipse glasses to protect your eyes.)
Here are some important safety guidelines to follow during a total solar eclipse:
- View the Sun through eclipse glasses or a handheld solar viewer during the partial eclipse phases before and after totality.
- You can view the eclipse directly without proper eye protection only when the Moon completely obscures the Sun’s bright face – during the brief and spectacular period known as totality. (You’ll know it’s safe when you can no longer see any part of the Sun through eclipse glasses or a solar viewer.)
- As soon as you see even a little bit of the bright Sun reappear after totality, immediately put your eclipse glasses back on or use a handheld solar viewer to look at the Sun.
Solar Filters For Optics
Source: American Astronomical Society
With one notable exception, it is never safe to look directly at the Sun through a telescope, binoculars, or camera lens without a solar filter. That exception is during totality, when the dazzlingly bright solar surface is completely blocked by the Moon. But totality is fleeting. Most of the time during an eclipse you’ll be watching the partial phases, during which filters are always required.
Telescopes, binoculars, and cameras need solar filters for two reasons: to protect them from intense sunlight and to ensure that you don’t accidentally look at the Sun through an unfiltered instrument. In every case, the solar filter must be attached to the front of your telescope, binoculars, or camera lens. This ensures that the Sun’s light and heat are kept out of the optics.
Make sure the filter is attached securely so it won’t pop off if your instrument is bumped or the wind suddenly gusts — but not so securely that you can't remove it easily at the beginning of totality!
If your telescope has a small auxiliary finder scope or other aiming device, make sure that it is capped, removed, or safely filtered just like the main telescope.
Solar filters provided with inexpensive telescopes, usually designed to thread into an eyepiece at the back end of the telescope, are dangerous. If the filter is attached to the spot where you place your eye, sunlight concentrated by your optics will burn right though it. This is also why looking through unfiltered optics while wearing eclipse viewers is extremely dangerous and a recipe for serious eye injury. We'll say it again: a solar filter must be attached to the front of your telescope, binoculars, or camera lens.
You’ll generally encounter three types of solar filters: metal on glass (usually the most durable and expensive), aluminized polyester film (frequently referred to as aluminized Mylar), and black polymer (sometimes with a layer of aluminized polyester on one side). Some render the Sun white, while others impart a yellow, orange, or bluish tint. All are effective, so choose the type that best suits your preference and budget.
Websites About The April 8, 2024 Total Solar Eclipse
Here you'll find some of the best eclipse websites available, as judged by members of the AAS Solar Eclipse Task Force.
These listings are weighted toward resources that are relatively new, up to date, and/or especially relevant to the April 8, 2024, American solar eclipse.
- American Astronomical Society
Texas Eclipse Events and Resources
Photographing the Eclipse
Club Articles
- How To Photograph A Total Solar Eclipse - (Clinton Kemp, Dallas Camera Club)
This article from the March edition of the Thru The Lens newsletter (go to page 10) leverages the experience of a photographer who successfully captured the 2017 total solar eclipse to explain in great detail how you can shoot the upcoming eclipse.
Club Presentations
- Get Ready For Totality 2024 - (Jason Ware, Plano Photography Club)
This presentation was offered to the Plano Photography Club (PPC) in February 2024. It covers where to observe the eclipse, which lenses and filters to use, and what techniques will increase your chances to get the best photos. Exposure recommendations and post-processing after the event are discussed, along with how to enjoy the experience.
- Total Eclipse 2024 - A Once in a Lifetime Event - (Cliff McKenzie, Plano Photography Club)
This presentation was offered to the public at the February 2024 PPC Tabletop Workshop. It deals with all aspects of "The Great Texas Solar Eclipse," from who, when, and where to view this phenomenon to best safety practices to how to photograph it.
Eclipse Aids
Shooting the Eclipse (Videos)
The videos below are organized alphabetically by presenter; all are of high quality and contain valuable information, but the videos in bold text are particularly excellent.
Editing Your Eclipse Photos
Sky & Telescope
Compositing Your Eclipse Photos