PPC Photo Showcase 2025
The Plano Photography Club takes pride in our members' high-quality photography, evident in both the monthly contest and the various photo activities the club sponsors.
To increase the visibility of these photos and photographers, the club is partnering with Plano's Haggard Library to give our members an opportunity to showcase their best photos this spring.
Club Historian Cindy Vaillancourt and Newsletter/Slideshow Chair James Stover are serving as exhibit coordinators for this event.

NOT the interior of Haggard Library
Who: Any Plano Photography Club member
What: You are invited to exhibit up to two (2) prints
Where: Haggard Library | 2501 Coit Road, Plano, Texas 75075-3712 (map)
When: May and June 2025
How: By following the procedures outlined on this web page
Rules and Regulations
Requirements: All prints must have a wire hanger on the back
Size Limitations: Maximum dimensions of 16"x20" inches (including mat)
Restrictions: All images must be G-rated (i.e., appropriate for all audiences)
Important Dates
- TBD - Complete the Intent to Participate form (link coming soon) so that the PPC knows you plan to participate and how many images (maximum of 2) you will be submitting
- TBD - Submit your detailed information along with a digital copy of the photograph(s) you are submitting
- TBD - Submit signed copies of BOTH the Plano Library Art Exhibit Policy and Waiver of Liability documents
- TBD - Participants (or their representative) must deliver the exhibit prints to Haggard Library
- May 1, 2025 (Approximate) - Exhibit opens
- June 30, 2025 (Approximate) - Exhibit closes
- TBD - Participants (or their representative) must pick up their images
What You Have To Do
To participate in the 2025 Plano Photography Club Showcase, you must do the following:
- Download, review, print, and sign BOTH the following documents
- Send scanned copies (or photos) of BOTH signed documents to the club exhibit coordinators. You MUST submit both these documents or you will not be able to participate in the exhibit.
Additional Instructions coming soon.
The Plano Public Library will advertise the exhibit on its website and via its social media platforms. In addition, the library will offer a virtual tour of the exhibit.
The PPC will post information on its website, via The Flash! newsletter, and its own social media platforms.
Available Display Spaces
For pictures of these display spaces at Haggard Library, please see the library's Exhibit Areas document.
Second Floor Flat Wall
24 linear feet of flat wall space in the Adult reading area with a northern exposure through frosted glass. This space is ideal for displaying large format artwork on canvas or other similar mounted and framed materials on 6-foot-long vertical rods. Wires or saw-tooth hangers must be installed on artwork.
Second Floor Curved Wall
24 linear feet of gently curved wall space in the Adult Fiction area with two separate sections (20+4) appropriate for displaying canvas or mounted and framed pieces on 6 foot long vertical rods. Wires or saw-tooth hangers must be installed on artwork.
Second Floor Quiet Study Room (East and West Wall)
The Quiet Study Room features 27 linear feet of north–facing wall space and 18 linear feet of south-facing wall space. Walls can be reserved separately. This space is ideal for displaying large format artwork on canvas or other similar mounted and framed materials on 6 foot long vertical rods. Wires or saw-tooth hangers must be installed on artwork.
Two six-sided carpeted configurable exhibition panels (7’ x 38”) that can accommodate artwork with wires. Additionally, the use of pins is permitted.
Frequently Asked Questions
These questions and answers are derived from an email between the club and Haggard Library.
Question: Is there a size limitation to the picture frames? Perhaps large ones on flat wall, not on the curved wall?
Answer: Not exactly, but you have already deduced that large items don’t really hang well on the curved wall.
We advise that items on the curved wall shouldn’t be larger than 16"x20" for best results.
We have had far larger pieces installed on the flat walls (e.g., 4'x6' paintings) and the Walker Wall system will support the weight easily. Large pieces will limit how many pieces can be exhibited in our spaces.
A large group of participants might require limiting the number of works to one per
individual, and size of work may limit how many individuals can participate.
Question: What information should be on the tag next to the photo--or is it up to us--name, title, price if any, website, email, maybe phone optional?
Answer: We use our own template to create the exhibit tags. These include the artist’s name, title of the work, and medium (silver gelatin print, acrylic painting, oil painting, etc.).
We ask for this information in the month/weeks leading up to an exhibit so that we can have the labels printed and ready when an exhibit gets installed. The tags do not offer enough space for web addresses or social media tags so we usually have those on the artist’s poster.
Advertising prices is
strictly prohibited by the city. We will not allow posting of prices or selling on city property. It is for the public’s pure enjoyment of the art and giving space for artists to share their work with the public.
Question: The club will likely have flyers for the front desk, and posters, but do you have a couple easels for the posters in the lobby, and upstairs?
Answer: No, we do not have a public bulletin board for posters or flyers, and we do not display non-library posters. Only our Art in the Library exhibition posters are authorized for use.
We are happy to include a QR-code linking to more information on the artist display poster so it could easily link to a club poster or website.
Question: Are "tasteful" photos of nudes (or models with see-through clothes) allowed; generally this is not
allowed at our club contests, and libraries are family-oriented, so we understand if "no."
Answer: No. The library’s 307 Exhibit Policy addresses the criteria considered for a proposed exhibit. While “nudity” is not specifically stated it wouldn’t fall within our guidelines.
Anything displayed within Plano Public Library follows a children friendly community expectation (e.g., Think of it as G-Rated content – good for all audiences).